Specialty: “Economics and Management”
Professional field: “Administration and management”
Profession: “Economist”
Specialty: “Economics and Management”
Duration of training: up to 1.5 years
Form of study: Day, evening, distance
After completing the professional training in the profession “Economist”, specialty “Economics and Management”, the trainee will have acquired the following practical skills and theoretical knowledge:
- Assisting the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions in the workplace
- Participating in the establishment of an organization for the implementation activities towards environmental protection
- Assisting the organization in managing risk and emergency situations
- Knowledge of the basics of market economy
- Knowledge of the basics of entrepreneurship
- Formed entrepreneurial behaviour
- Active participation in the development of business plans
- Processing information with ICT
- Usage of different communication channels
- Creating digital content with ICT
- Ensuring security when working with ICT
- Problem solving in working with ICT
- Communicating effectively within the work group/team
- Leading effective business communication
- Usage of profession specific terms in a foreign language
- Optimizing labour activities in the work process and work hours
- Upholding organizational standards
- Recognizing changes in the business environment and their impact on the company
- Following company policy and organizational culture
- Processing of specific documentation
- Developing SWOT analysis of the product and the market
- Analysing the competitiveness of a product or service
- Assessing information about the micro and macro environment
- Organizing marketing research
- Composing a marketing mix of the product or service
- Knowledge of the basic regulations in accounting
- Knowledge of the property of the enterprise for the means of accounting
- Processing documents in connection with the performed business operations
- Applying the normative regulation, regulating the economic activity in the enterprises
- Participating in the development of a business plan of the enterprise
- Usage of tools for preparing cost norms for labour, materials, energy, etc. according to the company policy
- Applying management and control techniques in organizing the activities of the enterprise
- Offering techniques for motivating staff in enterprises
- Processing documentation related to the activities of the enterprise
- Analysing the condition of the tangible assets of the enterprise
- Analysing the state of human resources in the enterprise
- Selecting asset and service providers
- Organizing activities related to risk management
Completion of one or more modules / disciplines is certified by a Vocational Training Certificate.
The full course of study (covers all modules / disciplines) provides an opportunity to obtain a third degree of professional qualification in the profession of “Economist”, specialty “Economics and Management”;
The assessment of knowledge is carried out on three levels – initial, intermediate and initial. Grades are based on a six-point scale;
Upon successfully completing the professional training and state exams each trainee acquires Certificate of Professional Qualification.